Friday, August 1, 2008

joker joker in the hall who is the funniest of them all

my blog is becoming like a joker's life (no not the Heath Ledger kind or any of the other batman's joker) but more like raj kapoor's "mere naam joker" concept. my readers, if there are any, by now know that the whole idea of writing this blog is to make it funny. a lot of people, like myself, lack humor in their lives. and all that my blog attempts to do is add a little smile in your life. thats all. Because sometimes, life can be very boring. no bad days to whine about. no good days to boast about. And most of the time people dont like to admit they had a good day, even if they did. They presume, others mite think u have an easy job, or easy life, or eating out of your dad's money or ex-husband's alimony. So generally, i think people feel safer to say "work sucked. such a stressful day!" etc. However, i think people truly neither have many good days nor many bad days, they just have boring days. the same day you see everyday. and my blog comes here. to make your Today, a little funny or a little aggravated like either "hehehe" or "sheesh...look how hard she's trying to be funny...". Of course it helps infinitely more, for both you and me, if its the former case than the latter.
thus, in my blog u will never find high philosophy or grave politics, and surprisingly not much of emotional rants either (though i mite have come real close to doing that in some of my posts). there is nothing serious, erudite, intellectual or even pseudo-intellectual going on in my blog. its a very simple, under-fashioned blog without ANY underlying meaning or all that jazz. just the talk of everyday says and everyday ways. with a touch of humor to it. however if u have never found anything even vaguely funny reading it, then well...i am certainly not laughing knowing that!
so thats all about my blog, hackneyed and trivial. just hoping that u will find something in there to smile or laugh about. And perhaps on a sad, lonely, cranky day once in a while, you might remember my blog in the hope of finding a moment's smile. (and NOT the "i'm smiling- in-the-inside kind". Just old fashioned heeeee :) or hahaha)
but yeah, today is one such day, when the joker needs a laugh. badly. and i'm running out of happy or funny things to say. besides i am tired of laughing at my own jokes. how pathetic is that! u know, in theaters, in the comedy plays, there are actually some people sitting among the audience, who are part of the show. u know what part they play? to watch if u are farting or not! naah. But they are there to provoke laughter. say there is such a scene which the director or the playwright is sure as hell that it is funny, but just in case his audience had had a bad day becoz per se he/she is returning from paying the alimony or meeting the mother-in-law or just paid taxes or some such contingency, and thus just not in the mood to laugh but had to come since he paid for the ticket, the director anticipating such mishaps in people's lives, implants among the audience some of his crew members, and instructs them to start a laugh in each of those "seriously" funny moments if they go unnoticed. hearing these laughters, the unhappy ones join in. the "emperor's-new-clothes" concept. ('only people who are intelligent will get the humor')
so next time, watch out for who is making you laugh. the actor on the stage, or the actor off the stage, the actor among you. But hey! join in anyway. You wouldn't want to be the only "intelligent" one finding it NOT-FUNNY;)


Loony Libberswick of Llapland said...

haha and happy birthday a little later in the day. how come you mentioned heehee and hehe but not haha?

fisherwoman said...



excellent job done here......may be your posts come like a single drop of water in the quenching summer to me......i simply love reading it........and "the show must go on......"