Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Cockroach crisis

bird watching, dog walking, baby sitting but why no cockroach watching, eh? you know it can be just as engaging as the rest. try it. for example me, i was watching this tiny cockroach, well not so tiny- say, adolescent cockroach- delicately crawl on the edge between the floor and the bathtub. the poor thing sat nibbling presumably another poorer thing. then i intervene its little feast. i run my index finger one feet above the roach, creating a majestic little scary shadow for it, which is following its tiny little foot steps. it was fun, watching such a puny little insect distressed by a giant little me. i am a sadist. also, as u can very well infer, have no life! anyway, so i wave my index finger above it, following horizontally, wherever it moves. the roach is sensing an imminent death knell. hopefully. so after wiggly-waggly-woo, it stops moving. stoned. now i am confused. i could not have killed it from a feet high. and i possess no laser powers. what happened? but the roach sits so still, silently. i mean still. just still. it cant shout. can it? well whatever. but here it is. unmoving. did i give it a heart attack? then i wasn't sure if they have a heart. so now i bring my finger a few inches nearer to the roach. and then i distinctly see the bastard quiver. i am very angry now. it wanted to fool me! how dare it! i am angry. should i kill it, or should i just follow along the lines of non violence? i was so close to a real "to be or not to be" dilemma. here's my Claudius cockroach... but I hear the roach scream "run, run, run while she plays Hamletta! yo Dirty Mary, when u shoot u shoot...don't talk!"


rg267 said...

thats pretty darn funny sis!

Joychaser said...

i second that.


hey i quite liked it......though would have died if ne cockroach had come so near....before perhaps the cockroach would!!!!!!!!i m very AFRAID of cockroaches...

Rajtilak Bhattacharjee said...

It's a pity that you don't write often. Hope to see you on my blog someday. Till then, keep writing and keep smiling :)