Monday, July 28, 2008

Our (raja-tina, raggi-abhishek) Anniversary party

no offense to anybody, but i did not enjoy my own anniversary party. the thing is, it was crowded with people i have no idea who they were. then as introduction they tell me, "haan ami tomar dada ke du bochor boyeshe dekhechilam" (yes i saw your brother when he was two), you know what that means people?-- He didn't even know that i existed all these twenty two years! so imagine when he was invited, 'sure i wud come to her anniversary! wait a minute, when was she born?' and next he sees me in my anniversary! "hello. o yes let me update you. i was born 22 yrs, 11 months and 56 seconds ago. but how thoughtful of you, you didn't miss my anniversary party."
see what i mean.
hence i was tired of making these incessant small talks with people all over the place, repeating the same boring "weather" lines or food conversations-- "ashte oshubide hoy ni toh. theek kore khachchen toh. aar kichu laagbe. bhaalo kore khaben. chele meye elo na?" ("no problem with the directions i hope. please help your selves with the food. have some more. please eat something. why didn't your children come"-- without having any clue if they at all have children, whom may be i shud meet 22 yrs after, at THEIR anniversary per se!)
then, to make it worse most of my friends couldn't make it to the party. they were either stuck with their sister's graduation party, or brother's girlfriend's paranoia, or the simple classic excuse "period cramps". however the MOST annoying part was when my family showed up 30 minutes before the place closes down. and they came, ate, and left. i mean everybody comes to parties to eat, but do you really have to make it that obvious!
the only good part was there was no after-party party. so i could crash in my bed asap.

1 comment:

Inam said...

Happy Anniversary :) Yes, I guess outsiders always mess up precious moments.