Monday, April 14, 2008

Anna's birthday party

i had feared Anna's birthday party might turn out to be a blood bath, or at least a historic event of some significance, because UNLIKE hindi movies where A loves B, B loves C, C loves D, in our party there were invitees among whom A hates B, B hates C, C hates D and so forth. But because of God's divine interference;) ...correction, Divine Intervention (lemme be politically correct) that everybody went home in one piece, and hopefully with full pot bellies (we are a fat family. and our friends are fat too. and we move in groups. fat groups.)

M and i sneaked a lil girl talk. and since i am the untimely married one, and she's the timely unmarried one-- she had a breeze of 'how-is-after-marriage' questions. i filled her with meticulous details without sounding disgusting. i'm not sure if M ACTUALLY wanted to know, or if she was just being polite like most other people, who asks the harmless question, "how is married life", without expecting u to be honest. u do know they really don't care about YOUR married life. their own married life is messed up enough to think about! so all that they expect you to say is a short "good" or "ok". and leave. they dont actually expect you to say something like "sucks". partly becoz nobody is so outright, and also becoz if u say "sucks" then they HAVE to ask you again another unnecessarily polite question, "why so". now imagine someone sits to elaborate on that, something like "u know, we have a horrid sex life, becoz my partner sleeps on me during sex, and he stinks of beer and cigarette, and he beats me up, and to tell u the truth i have a crush on my father in law, and i feel like stabbing my mother in law, and i get this urge sometimes to spit on the food i serve, and and and". ahem. imagine the pros and cons of this astonishingly honest answer to a married-life-question, if such were to be true.
anyway, M and i being friends , i very happily narrated to her my married life with certain obvious dramatizations to make it look funny-- like it were some bedtime story. but after a point it seemed, she might in fact go off to sleep if i wouldn't stop. so i did. and then she started off with her bedtime stories... and so the chain continued.

o something hilarious. Anna's friends and their parents were playing 'RockBand'. and the parents were on the instruments. the 6 year old Anna's friend was on the mike. and these were the lyrics she had to sing, and incidentally she sings REALLY loud! -- "i'm getting mine. u r gonna get some tonight...." and THAT my friends, is the pinnacle of being a rockstar!


Loony Libberswick of Llapland said...

So T, How IS married life?

Unknown said...

there goes all my maried life secrets ....ummm ..."dramatization to make it funny" ...not funny yaar.

Oh God! My married life needs dramatization to be funny ;)