Sunday, October 19, 2008


there is a guy who takes the same train as i do. he has a body to die for. both men and women can die for this body. for different reasons of course... So well, with his perfect lil tight, round touche, he stands in front of me. and as much as i admire this legendary butt, it was a wee bit, very wee bit- must clarify, on my way. let me give u the latitudes. well, i am sitting on the platform. and he is standing. so pictographically, his ass is literally in my face. not that i mind. but others do, because others need to find space to stand in this very crowded platform. now for me to get up, there is a very high probability that while i (regretfully) try to stand up and make room for others, sacrificing this rather spectacular sight, some part of my head... can...ahem... accidently... touch his artistic butt in my motion up. very unintentionally. (if intentionally, i have something else in mind).so anyway, when trying to contemplate what i should do, to avoid all kinds of potential embaressments, a woman cries out really loud "HEY!!" (she later turns out to be a friend). so at her startling little screach, the guy turns around... ahem.. and at that very second, my friend, in the hope to tap my head, manages to push it instead, and so... now o well.. (lemme just get it over with) my face bounces off his balls!


Shion Guha said...

So, this is what you have been doing all this time?

fisherwoman said...

keep guessing

Timber Da Wolf said...

Every Day Subway Tail :)



Unknown said...

sexy stuff!

GreyVitriol said...

Waiting for the sequel...

Anonymous said...

aaaaaaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :D :D you can't make this stuff up