Monday, March 14, 2011

The therapist

here's why we need therapists: for example when i listen to someone's problems, i TRY to just listen. without offering any solution to them. which can be both good and bad. the most I do is try to make one feel better, perhaps by reminding them of better days when it was not that bad, or reminding them something positive about the person they might be having trouble with. however, if i talk about my problems, I am mostly greeted with similar counter examples of problems in their lives. and then it seems like a comparison of who has the bigger problem! i do! no, i do! and i HATE comparisons and competitions of any kind. also, i'd hate being accused of such a thing. you couldn't do me more wrong. so the minute there is such a danger of that, i back out. now you see a therapist wouldn't do that! also there'd be a soft comfortable couch! just listen can't you? i think one needs a dog or a therapist sometime or other in their lives :D

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