Tuesday, June 5, 2012

new york state of mind

streets of new york: so I am walking down the street super fast, drinking coffee at the same time, also super fast, when I get elbowed by this person really hard. so my immediate Pavlovian response to him is "o i'm so sorry" (being the clumsy walker that i am and being aware of that). but then I realize this time it's not my fault, so I say to him "actually you should be sorry." he looks at me like i am a raving total lunatic and walks away just the way he was.
my epiphany however is this: both of us embodied traits, albeit different, of a typical new yorker :D

yeah new yorkers are rude but on the other hand generally pretty awesome. so am not complaining ;) just making observations of roads with all its makings, the human drama being one-- similar yet different in different cities even if perhaps the same people were to inhabit them

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